Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life lessons from a 26-year old

As someone who is convinced she has a Peter Pan complex, you wouldn't think much of anything worth mentioning would come from this 26 year old city girl. But surprise! I often muse over theories of life. Theories on how to exist, how to get through the daily grind without having my panties in a permanent bunch. Considering how the general public's a bunch of morons, its near impossible, but no one said it was easy!

Remove toxic people from your life

This is a tough one. I think its gotten easier as I've gotten older but losing friends or growing apart used to really mess with me. I would dwell on these people. I would question who/what/why and how it all happened. But I slowly came to realize it happened for a reason, we were not meant to be. I've had friends, people who were really wonderful and smart and caring, who actually brought out the worst in me. There have also been people that were generally negative, maybe gossipy or petty and I definitely do not find those traits agreeable. Somehow over the past few years, I find myself free from these negative folk and surrounded by great people. Maybe it was luck or fate or maybe it was making the conscience decision to choose positivity.

Don't give assholes the time of day

I think this comes from working with the public on a daily basis (retail & food service). There are endless amounts of happy folk who will smile and chat and make your day a little bit brighter. And then there are the handful of miserable people who could care less about anyone but themselves ("misery loves company"). They can make your day shit by one off-hand remark. You can't let these people get to you. I just smile and ignore the fighting words because they are just sad human beings and I pity them. I don't have time for your bullshit. Next!

Make time for fun

I could've said "make time for yourself" but that isn't how I operate. I enjoy my alone time but its the socializing that keeps me ticking. I have work commitments seven days a week, juggling three jobs. Its crazy, its hectic and I don't know how the hell I do it. But its about the fun stuff in between. Friends, shows, meeting new people, whatever. (Note: Two of my jobs enable me to work at the 3rd, the brewery. It helps that all three are fun in one way or another).

Money shouldn't make your world go 'round

I got laid off from an office job about a year ago, my income decreased dramatically while my bills increased but I remain independent. How the hell does that work? No clue. Sometimes I think its a miracle. But I think the layoff and resulting income cut has been an amazing lesson, finally teaching me the true meaning of a dollar. Pinching pennies can be stressful but it has strengthened my "mental spending power."  If I'm going to make a purchase, it actually means something to me. Whether that is a night out with my friends or a new dress. Having gone without "stuff" for so long just shows me how little that stuff actually matters. As long as the bills are paid and I can feed myself, the rest will follow.

I think four life lessons is a good start. When I think of more, I'll share. Oh and if you didn't already know, I am high strung and get stressed out easily. Its remembering these little lessons that bring me back on track :-)

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